I know I know... The economy is tight right now. The world seems to be in the greatest recession since the conception of the social sciences. People are down and out... and we intend to lift their/your spirits.
Come hang out with us, our pals manbirdbelly... Crazy Good! And our new friends Workers from Louisville, Kentucky. They are formerly known as Your Black Star. They are sick. Check em both out...
I heard on BBC Music Weekly that MJack himself is getting back on tour... A Stationary stop in London @ the O2 for 10 shows. 350,000 people registered for a 10 show 20,000 person venue. WTF... I mean don't get me wrong the first audio cassette that I purchased by finagling cash out of family and extended family was "BAD" which was a fucking great record. Now the cheesiest show on earth has set forth to conquer what remains of the pop world.
Nothing has been short about this man/?'s career...
Will the likes of Chris Brown head down this path and deliquesce into the foreground like Jacko's face? I can't wait to see...
On a side note... We are writing new material right now, although we haven't stopped. That's what this whole gig is about right? We have two new songs that we are working on tonight. They're called "Advice" and "Stick-Up Chicks"
Anyways if you are not busy go check our pals The Loyal Divide at the Empty Bottle Tonight!!!
Hey there - we got some press in the fantastic Columbia Chronical. Thanks to Bertha Serrano for the interview - we greatly appreciate it!
What bands do you look up to?
The Beatles; we have a poster of them overlooking us at every practice and a lot of the Chicago bands [like] Alkaline Trio, Rise Against and Smashing Pumpkins. A unique part of our band is that our bass player has a jazz background, and he listens to reggae. Every time we write a song someone is putting a unique perspective on the music, so it gives it its own sort of drive. More