We had a blast at the BL last week. JJW took some great flicks. We were happily surprised and thankful for all those who dealt with the bone chiseling cold that is this winter. The only news I have is that we are finishing up the templates for our album so we can get it out to print. We are anxious and excited to share ourselves with you through our tunes. We are currently writing new music. We have finished up touches on our new song "If I can't have my cake and eat it too; then I'll have pie." Which is a look at lucid dreams that make you so excited you are jumping out of your skin. Here is a look at the lyrics of the chorus...
"I'm so tired of this sleep.
The toss the turns, the endless speech.
The grips and the colors. And the know everythings.
Get back in my dreams. Get back in my...!"
That comes from a very drunken sleep that lead to a huge headache cured by coffee and sunny day real estate. I remember that I was dreaming of dreaming. Frustrating. Anyways we also previously forgot to post the poem that Thax Douglas so kindly wrote and read for us at our show in December at the Empty Bottle. He is a wonderful local poet from Chicago. Everyone should check him out and support him. Poetry is a art being lost in the boob tube socialisation of today. Support Poets!
when this world's bank of knowledge is considered consumed enough to be balled up like tinfoil (after licking the foil first) there's a cavity where that world used to be- wobbling like a loose tooth you might fall asleep across that cavity becoming yourself the wrapping paper for someone else's new world. -12/11/08 Empty Bottle
The poem for this excellent pop band was written with Boo Radley, the Empty Bottle house cat who appeared shortly after the club opened in 1993, on my lap.
The poem for this excellent pop band was written with Boo Radley, the Empty Bottle house cat who appeared shortly after the club opened in 1993, on my lap.
-Thax Douglas-
Next Show is on Feb 26th with our good friends Loyal Divide @ the Abbey Pub. Check out their new ep "Labrador" It's blazing radical. Fucking kills.
Thanks Again to Ellie @ MPShows and Everyone at the Bottom Lounge.
We had a blast.
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