Recap? Ok.
1. Tonic Room w/ four finger five and blueheels
2. John Hershey High School (props to our boy megalon's revenge for setting that up)
3. Martyr's w/ animal city and football weather
4. Museum of Contemporary Art (live art exhibit)
5. Najstock (Joe's on Weed)
6. Reggie's Rock Club w/ bachelor party weekend and bluefish fellows
i'm pretty sleepy so here is just a slideshow of random pictures i took (and borrowed) from our Holiday Season.
after tonic room and martyr's (anyone have pictures?!?!?!?), we went to see one of our favorite local bands Sybris at the Bottle
A-Ron was there.
it's always good news when this chap shows up.
the next week I checked out the Narrator and the Mannequin Men at Metro. I really love the 'all the tired horses' song by the Narrator. I bounced before Office and the 1900's though. Sorry! Maybe next time.

we spent a delightful saturday afternoon in a glass studio at the Museum of Contemporary Art, playing some of our jams and mostly goofing off. the Art Dept. was there drawing too, just like in our practice space. jannotta played these electric drums that sounded like Megaman nintendo drums
then we had the xmas party. 4th year in a row! epic!

the najstock show was a special show for us.

kennedy played great that night
connor had a new year's party.
everyone loves new year's parties, but even the big party animals get sleepy at some point.
my sis took a nice pic of me at our reggie's show. playing at reggie's is like playing in guitar hero.
the art dept. approves of the band marketing campaign.
We got great stuff coming up, and a fantastic show with our good friends Cealed Kasket February 15th at The Abbey.
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