PHASE 1 - Silvies Show
So we just had a show at Silvie's Lounge. We had a pretty solid turnout, despite going on at around 12 a.m. or so on a big beer-soaked sports Saturday. It was a lot of fun to play and Silvie is a sweetheart.

The wonderful flying machines played a great set before us.

These Cubs NLCS tickets aren't really useful anymore

in the face of a grueling cubs loss, the hardcore posse represented. Notre Dame fan (on the left) still smiling.

*** Poll results!! Simon ignored all of your mustache votes and now has a mohawk while growing a beard. Better luck next time! ***
PHASE 2 - Podcast Recording w/ Chicago Acoustic Underground
Well the Bully experience has taken a step into the 22nd century by adopting a practice known to macbook people as podcasting. All five of us piled into the home studio of Chicago musician, producer and podcast personality Michael Teach of Chicago Acoustic Underground to record some tracks live, and even answer questions with our trademark wit and class. It should be up on their site wihin a couple of weeks, and will feature some material we've never recorded before. Hopefully it sounds tight.

nothing acoustic about our band, really.

After recording our podcast Simon and I headed to see Dr. Dog at the Empty Bottle, per our buddy Kate's recommendation.

We got there in time for Apollo Sunshine

Dr. Dog with poet dude opening up their set.

Dr. Dog is a pretty happy-go lucky crew.
PHASE 3 - Upcoming events :: big OCTOBER at a glance, kid.
10/11 - Lawrence Arms and Falcon Concert
10/12 - 6:30 p.m. Bully in the Hallway band members are featured on Depaul Radio's Quite Simply the Rock Show
10/12 - SPOON live (hah)
10/13 - Bully in the Hallway records a new track
10/20 - Show at Underground Lounge w/ Jedsed and Walter J. Liveharder
10/31 - The Humans Are Dead!
11/2 - **10:00 Bully in the Hallway plays at at Elbo Room for the 1st annual Rock the Room festival. One of our songs is going to be included on a sampler!**
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